Services and Products

All Services Performed

Kriptia bases its work entirely on bearing principle, according to which, the company’s goal becomes its own goal. In this sense, our services are aimed at creating a secure, resilient, and zero-loss organization, preventing, managing, and resolving crisis situations, and to accompany the company on its national and/or international growth path, helping to identify new opportunities.

All Services Provided

Kriptia bases its work entirely on bearing principle, according to which, the company’s goal becomes its own goal. In this sense, our services are aimed at creating a secure, resilient, and zero-loss organization, preventing, managing, and resolving crisis situations, and to accompany the company on its national and/or international growth path, helping to identify new opportunities.

Security Governance

An organized approach allows the company to reduce some risks and relieve itself of some responsibilities. Knowing and controlling certain threats, protects assets and human capital.

Travel Security

Managing travel through a precise methodology and according to precise procedures, makes the company resilient to objective and natural risks. Knowing and managing them also safeguards the company's human capital.

Corporate Intelligence

Information management, both in Italy and abroad, is fundamental in an increasingly interconnected and globalized context. Kriptia's organized structure through international partners allows to collect and manage information for companies and governments.

Counterpart Analysis

We create and maintain systems to help companies make the best decisions when selecting partners, suppliers, and partners. We adapt 231 systems to the client's business.

It is a risk management software platform that helps the client to independently manage requests for:

Autonomously, the client can create an efficient risk analysis system, in any sector anywhere in the world, using the platform.

Case Studies

Kriptia International offers tailor-made solutions for national and international companies and entities that need solid and efficient services in the field of security

Your facility thrives due to its ability to provide a welcoming and safe environment. The challenges of different tenants, visitors, and clients in your facility can be a fine line between safe and uncomfortable. Striking the balance between increased security while improving the positive user experience is a delicate but critical element for the continued success of your business.

Our team of dedicated professionals understands how to plan and design security for commercial properties so that security goals are met, and the customer service is maintained.

Security Internazionale

Whether your facility is an iconic landmark, a high-value target, or the center of attention as a venue for sporting events or entertainment, you have unique security challenges that require specialized expertise in designing an effective protection plan.

Our team has extensive experience in evaluating, planning, and designing protection programs for high-profile facilities. We consider your unique challenges and risks to create a comprehensive program that reduces your exposure.

Gestione dei Rischi

When moving people and property, keeping your business safe is critical to your success. Increasing demands for protecting of transport space, brings increasing challenges in the transport sector. Having a partner who understands your business and understands the business of security is key to achieving your goals.

Through a rigorous assessment of the risks that impact your transportation operations, our team of security professionals design cost-effective solutions to mitigate security risks. We have a proven track record of providing security solutions to some of the world’s busiest transportation hubs.

Analisi Aziende

Keep your focus where it matters most.

Our most valuable and precious assets reside within the walls of the school. Protecting them is the top priority of every educator. We fully understand the educational environment; having licensed teachers and instructors on our staff means we have real-world administrative and classroom experience in education. We understand what it needed to protect your facilities and how to create a layer of protection within the budget constraints that schools often face.

Valutazione dei Rischi

All eyes are on you 24/7, being in the spotlight presents many challenges for you and your family. Having a home that serves you and your family as a sanctuary is vital to your peace of mind. Kriptia international understands the delicate nature of managing the security aspects of your private places. We pride ourselves on keeping our clients confidential, without ever publicly revealing our clients.

Kriptia International’s approach to protecting your privacy brings our comprehensive security methodology into your personal space. This provides a discreet and comprehensive approach to protecting your personal life.

Sicurezza Internazionale

Uptime and continuous operations even in adverse conditions, are essential to your organization. It is essential to understand the risks to your business and how to mitigate them to ensure continuity of operations.

Kriptia International applies our proprietary approach to security, using our 6 protection domains to reduce security risks. Our global approach, addresses security in operational, physical, electronic, cyber, cultural, and non-tangible protection domains.

Travel Security